This is our mission and our expertise.


We believe that each person is a unique and precious gift and our purpose in life is to be the fullest expression of that gift in the face of the opportunities that life presents.

What prevents us from living as the fullest expression of our gifts and capturing opportunities within circumstances are triggered states.

A trigger is a stimulus that takes us out of a loving, joyous, and creative state. Triggers to the human being represent some sort of loss: love, safety, positive regard, certainty, well being. Any of these losses real, imagined, or anticipated will “trigger” automatic pre programmed thoughts, mannerisms, feelings, behaviors, and communications called coping mechanisms.

In our 27 years of work in this area we have identified a variety of tools that have enabled our clients to transform triggered states.  One of our discoveries has been the identification of a common theme that is the root of everything that has ever triggered people in their entire lives.   Utilizing the awareness of one’s common theme in addition to the other concepts that we convert into customized practices enable us to consistently live into our principle intention:

Our principle intention is to Guide people to optimize their potential + live joyous lives.