The Starquest Leadership Model offers the following principles:

  • It is infinitely more effective to influence one’s focus than to attempt to manage behavior.
  • In order to consistently influence the mindset of others a leader must demonstrate a track record of being able to shift their own mindsets.
  • An effective leader generates a compelling vision, mission, or intentions (focusing statements) that mobilizes aligned action.
  • To the extent that a leader’s demonstrated behavior is consistent with their stated values is to the degree that trust is generated.
  • An empowering leader creates a feedback rich environment inspiring employees to reinvent their relationships to mistakes.
  • Effective leaders are able to effectively manage their mental and emotional states.
  • A leader’s transparency (authenticity) is a fundamental ingredient in generating an atmosphere of trust, empowerment, and dialogue.
  • Empowering leaders leverage their Unique Gifts in the service of others and are able to recognize and utilize the gifts of others to fulfill their vision.