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So I continued my experiment by eliminating a couple of items from the process that seemed to work pretty well the day before: I did not play pickleball last night nor did I end the evening with a shower.

I did not sleep 5 1/2 hrs. straight through as it seemed like I slept for three hour episodes throughout the night.

So for tonight I will put back the pickleball play and the shower and wee what happens.

The day following those evenings when I seem to experience a lack of deep and nourishing sleep I will give myself room for liberal guilt free naps. Obviously that won’t work for Tuesdays and Weds. of each week as I have a full load of coaching clients on each of those days.

The one self care practice that I am going to stick to regardless is connecting to the mantra of: “Quiet mind and a peaceful heart”.

I have encouraged leaders, over the years, that if they find themselves mentally grinding while in bed to get out of bed and write down all of the things on their mind on a steno pad in another room.

I have encouraged people to establish the bedroom as a space of sanctity and serenity. No screens (tv, iPad, phone etc).

|So as I lay in bed in between those episodes of sleep my intention is to practice the experience of a “quiet mind and a peaceful heart. I am giving myself room to either fall back to sleep or stay in that resting state. If I find my thoughts drifting toward thinking that I am not going to get enough sleep I raidly interrupt and re cite the mantra of a quiet mind.

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