Triggered States

What prevents us from accessing our Gifts or appreciating the Gifts of others are triggered states.

A trigger is a stimulus that takes us out of a loving, joyous, and creative state. Triggers to the human being represent some sort of loss: love, safety, positive regard, certainty, well being. Any of these losses real, imagined, or anticipated will “trigger” automatic pre-programmed thoughts, mannerisms, and feelings called coping mechanisms.

In our 27 years of work we have discovered that everyone has a common theme that is the root cause of everything that has ever triggered them in the entire life. The flip side of this common theme also points to the root of our Unique Gift.

The awareness of this theme, in addition to other tools provided, enable our clients to: Turn triggered states into treasured moments with greater velocity than previously experienced.

Each of our programs + coaching services at Starquest provide various Trigger recovery methods that, when practiced, consistently generate greater performance, joy, creativity + self expression.