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It was Mark Twain who said:  "The most horrific things in my life actually never happened"

It was Mark Twain who said:  “The most horrific things in my life actually never happened”

In yesterday’s post I talked about, what I believe to be, the nature of our problems.  It begins and ends with the context in which I hold “problems”.

I have heard myself say, in the past, that I have a problem with certain holidays.   When I was a young child I looked forward to the holidays until my dad died.  That is when the joy of Xmass and Hanukah were muted by memories of my father’s loss (since he died in mid December when I was 12).

To this day it is easy, if I am not mindful, to slip into the grasp of my old mental software that would lead me down the path to feeling empty, lonely, and a sense of despair.   So as long as I buy into the notion that “I have a problem” with the holidays I am letting my past pain become my future dictate.

As I reflect upon when my children were growing up we would spend the Christmas Holiday each year with her family in Utah.  There were large family gatherings with wonderful food, really good hearted people who I came to love and appreciate, and fun games we all used to play together.

For 2017 this holiday will not be what it was for me after my dad died.  It will not be what it was when my boys were growing up.  If I attempt to compare this moment today to past moments of all the yesterdays I would begin going down a road of self torment.  

Today I choose to have this holiday season be held in the context of a true blessing.  As I reflect upon the miracles that have occurred during this past year I am thankful beyond measure.  

So the first step in solving any problem is to examine the context in which I hold the problem.  By shifting the context the problem is no longer a problem instead it becomes a platform for growth and discovery.

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