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One of my newer clients (only working with them for about two years) owns a couple of health resorts. One is in Colorado and the other one they are in the process of building is in Murieta Hot Springs.

Their mission is to be the best hot springs based health and vitality resort in the country. They will be publishing a document soon speaking about the four pillars of health one of which centers around sleep.

For the past several months my sleep has been less than wonderful. There are nights that I wake up after two hours of sleep and then take a few hours before getting back to sleep for a couple of hours.

So for the past couple of weeks I have been on a quest: To identify what collection of self care practices to engage in daily that could have a positive impact on the quality and quantity of sleep I get each night.

Last night I had a breakthrough. I radically changed my process during the day and not sure which element or combination of elements had the greatest impact.

I started the day with 8 oz. of warm spring water with 1 tsp of Himilayan pink salt and 1/2 lemon. I followed that with 16 oz. of cold water.

I hydrated regularly throughout the day and had my last meal at 3p.m. I played pickleball last night for 1 1/2 hrs. followed by a hot shower.

The result was that I slept 5 1/2 hrs. straight and after a brief bathroom break I returned to bed and was able to get back to sleep in a relatively short period of time and then proceed to sleep for an additional three hours.

I am looking forward to seeing how my journey toward consistently having a good night’s sleep become integrated into my commitment to strengthening self care so that I will be in a much better position to positively impact the leaders that I currently work with to do the same.

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